Was born in Brownsville, Texas and came to California during his teenage years. While attending Sanger High School, Ramon had a dream of someday becoming a singer. His dream came true and had the opportunity of signing a recording contract with a major recording label. Even thought he was flattered by the offer, Ramon turned it down. His reasoning was that his children and family were too important to him. His children were very young and going on the road would have taken his family in a different direction that he was not ready to travel. And yet, sometimes he can only imagine what if he would have accepted that recording contract.
Ramon Pecina is an international award winning songwriter, composer, and recording artist who has traveled throughout the United States. During his travels, he has given concerts for both adults and children. Ramon has been a National O.T.I. (Organizacion de Television Iberico Americana) Song Festival participant three times. The national O.T.I. song festival was celebrated in Miami, FL the three times Ramon was a participant.
Ramon taught at Sanger for thirty-eight and one-half years serving hundreds of children during this period of time. In 1986, Ramon started a video program at Sanger High School and many students were introduced to the field of entertainment. There are over sixty former students that work in the television industry, the movie making industry and other related fields. Ramon also helped initiate a Community Access Channel in the same city while teaching and singing throughout the U.S.A.
The most import part of his life has been serving God in different areas of ministry. He has served as a Sunday School Teacher, working with young people and as a pastor for the past 23 three years. In 2006 he felt that he had not done enough to spread the “Good News” to fulfill the “Great Commission”. He needed other ways to fulfill his desire; television would be the way to do it. Ramon felt that he had the knowledge and experience to start a “Family Channel” that would carry a positive message into many homes. With little earthly support, his wife Gloria’s encouragement, Roy Dela Garza’s help and God’s Mighty Power, ManaVision3 DTV 32.4 went on the air on November of 2009.
Reaching the entire Central Valley of California. Manavision3 broadcasts on a Digital TV Channel 32.4, with studios and master control in Sanger, California.
Alcanzamos todo el Valle Central de California. Manavision3 transmite en el canal de televisión Digital 32.4, con estudios y cabina de control principal en Sanger, California.